Tuesday, June 18, 2019


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Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3, Mathew 4:4
All through the bible, we see instructions for us to study the word of God, to meditate on it and allow it from the bases for how we live our lives. The truth is knowledge is the easiest way to grow not only this but it also the most important.
While every other thing like prayer, evangelism, etc, are important, no other aspect of Christian devotion has more impact on your growth than your knowledge of the word of God because it informs every other aspect.
A.   DESIRE THE WORD 1st Peter 2:2
As believers, we ought to have an insatiable craving for the pure spiritual milk of the word. More than anything we must constantly want to have the word around us. You see, we would never understand all that we have received in Christ if we don’t study the word because that is where we find the information.
The phrase as newborn babies does not necessarily mean that Peter`s readers were new believers; they may have been saved for several years. But young or old in the faith, we should thirst for the word just as infants cry for milk. We get some idea of the thirst of the health baby by the impatient, aggressive, determined way he sucks and swallows. That`s how our appetite for God`s word should be.
By the pure milk of the word, a believer grows up spiritually. The ultimate goal toward which all spiritual growth in this  life is moving is conformity to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ is the revelation of both the father and the believer.
Hebrews 1:1-3  
This shows us that if you are looking for an understanding of the father, you must look to Christ. He is God`s express image, he is literally God`s character, his image, he is the expression of the father.
Also, we must understand that everything that the believer is, can be captured in two word: “IN CHRIST”.
Roman 8:1,2nd Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 3:28
In all these verses and even more, believers are referred to as “In Christ” because that`s who we are. Notice the interesting statement made by Jesus in John 5:39
So Jesus said the scriptures testify of him and we`ve established that to see father we look to Jesus, now Jesus himself says that the scriptures testify of him , therefore, the only way to properly understand all you are in Christ is to learn properly about Christ and this can only be achieved by studying the scriptures.
B.   SCALE OF MATURITY, Hebrew 5:12-14 
The writer reminds the Hebrews that they had been receiving instruction long enough now so that they should be teaching others. But the tragedy was that they still needed someone to teach them the ABCs of the word of God.
You ought to be teachers. God`s order is that every believer should mature to the point where he can teach others. Each one teaching another! While it is true that certain ones have a teaching grace, it is also true that every believer should engage in some teaching ministry. It was never God`s intention that this work should be limited to a few.
You have come to need milk and not solid food. A child who never advances from milk to solids is impaired and never develops completely. There is a form of stunted growth in the spiritual lives as well, you must always desire to learn more, to understand more and to progress in knowledge. Believers who stay on a milk diet are unskillful in the word of righteousness. They are hearers of the word but not doers. They lose what they do not use, and remain in a state of perpetual infancy. They keep forgetting and need to be reminded of the basics tie and again.
They do not have a keen sense of discernment in spiritual matters and are “tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning of deceitful plotting” (Eph 4:14)
Solid spiritual food is for the full-grown, for those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. By obeying the light they receive from God`s word, these people are able to form spiritual judgments and save themselves from moral and doctrine dangers.
Good and evil here does not  refer to life situations but to doctrine. So the proof that a person is grown spiritually is that such a one can tell proper doctrine from wrong one.
Bible study is important because it helps you advanced in your maturity as a believer.  

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Bible Study

2nd Timothy 3:16
16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Christianity is a faith with objective instructions. Proper study  of the word will never leave you confused, you always receive clear cut instructions because the word of God is an authoritative guide.
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2nd Timothy 2:15
Study is the Greek word SPOUDAZO, it means to make effort, to be diligent. So, it`s not just talking about reading, but other things involved, e.g, attending proper teaching meetings, listening to sermons, etc. I want you to take note that he says to show yourself approved a WORKMAN…..
When people see your attitude towards bible study, they should see a workman. You should carry a serious attitude towards the word.
A.   Bible study is an exhaustive discipline.
It take time and a lot of hard work. You must be disciplined and diligent about it.
Luke 24:22-27
So take note of 25-27
First he called his disciples fools, slow of heart to believe and then in verse 27, beginning at Moses (all the books of Moses from Genesis to Deuteronomy, all the, Isaiah to Malachi, and Psalms is included in this list) basically the whole Old Testament. So Jesus expounded to them from approximately 90% of the Old Testament.
Now to expound is not to summarize, it means to “explain thoroughly with great painstaking details”. Very exhaustive, it took time.
Throughout the Gospels you will see that Jesus was always teaching. Paying attention to the scriptures.
Acts 20:7-9
You see that! He taught till a man fell asleep, fell out the window and died, Paul rose him back to life and then went on teaching.
Thant`s and example of how much the early church valued bible study. We must do the same.

B.   There is no Personal Interpretation
It`s a very simple thing; when Paul wrote to the Ephesian church and  by extension to us, he had something in mind that he wanted them to understand, he did not plan for all of them to carry their own understanding of it.
An analogy: If I write a letter to Temi and i tell her “go to my house and collect the money” and she chooses to receive a “personal interpretation” of go to the bank, has she not messed up the instruction! Definitely she has!
One must intentionally give time and attention to prolonged study to ensure you always get out the collect message.

C.   The bible has a Central Message
The bible is a Christocentric book. It is Christ centered , it is about Christ
John 5:39
This was Jesus speaking, the scriptures, and here he was referring to the Old Testament because the New  Testament wasn`t even written yet.
The entire book testifies of him, Christ.
So, a mathematics textbook written in English is not an English textbook. The bible  is not a book about everything or with an answer to everything.
If you think is wrong, read the bible for an engineering examination or use it to learn how to perform brain surgeries.
Luke 24:44-45
Look at verse 44, all the words written in the OT concerning him. He is, was and always will be the emphasis.
That he is the central narrative doesn`t mean every verse is about him, there can b e other lessons like a father`s love from the story of the prodigal son but if you learn  all this lessons and don`t see  him, you gained next to nothing.
Ephesians 2:19-20
Paul here talks about the body of Christ, the church and he`s talking about our beliefs, our doctrines, he says they are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets with Christ himself being the cornerstone.
The cornerstone is that one stone upon which everything lies, if you remove the cornerstone from a building, everything collapses. Paul say, as far as our \faith is concerned, Christ is the cornerstone.
Hence in our study of the Bible, our aim must be to see Christ. 

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Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3, Mathew 4:4 All through the bible, we see instructions for us to study the word of God, to meditate on it...